
Understanding An Ophthalmic Migraine

A migraine is a severe pain that is experienced within the brain. Generally, a typical migraine affects a particular portion of the brain and its length in duration varies. This variation can be anywhere from a few hours or may last in duration over a few days. Some migraine sufferers experience this excruciating malady on a weekly basis while some other migraine sufferers incur them as rare as once a year. In addition, the sufferers of this debilitating pain and malady range from the teen years up until, typically, 40 years of age.

There are many different types of migraines that can be experienced. Some of these specific migraines include a hemiplegic migraine, basilar migraine and an ophthalmic migraine.

What Is An Ophthalmic Migraine?

An ophthalmic migraine is not a typical migraine in the sense in which a migraine's symptoms are exhibited. Unlike a classic migraine, an ophthalmic migraine does not produce a headache, but affects the eyes.

With the onset of an ophthalmic migraine the vision of the sufferer experiences flashes of light. These flashes give the appearance of being toothed in nature and may affect both eyes. Typically these flashes occur within the blind spot of an individual's vision and progresses in size across the person's entire line of vision. These episodes may range in duration lasting anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes.

Onset Of Ophthalmic Migraines

The onset of an ophthalmic migraine may be triggered by a number of factors. Some of these factors can be brought about by viewing lights that are flashing, chemicals or preservatives added to foods, or when taking other prescribed medications.

Also, there may be changes within a person's own body that may bring on the onset of an ophthalmic migraine. These changes could be hormonal in nature. Also, a non-migraine headache may provide the stimulus that brings on the onset of an ophthalmic migraine episode.

Treatment Of An Ophthalmic Migraine

The onset of a typical ophthalmic migraine generally does not necessitate a treatment program. Because there is no pain associated with an ophthalmic migraine these events are considered harmless and cause no permanent damage to an individual's vision. In addition, studies of individuals affected by ophthalmic migraine show no sign of any damage incurred by the brain.

However, the extreme danger, when a person is experiencing an ophthalmic migraine, is the affect the migraine has on the vision. Obviously, if driving a vehicle or functioning in an activity that requires perfect vision, experiencing an ophthalmic migraine can be a real danger.