
The Choices in Migraine Home Remedies

Migraines are a painful part of life for many people, especially women. If you are one that suffers from frequent and painful migraine headaches, you will be happy to know that there are many options available in migraine home remedies. Some include homeopathic remedies that can offer preventative options as well as treatment once the headache begins. Other migraine home remedies will include over-the-counter medications, as well as some prescription medicines for frequent and severe migraines that do not respond well to preventative or over-the-counter therapies. With the many options available in migraine home remedies, the chances are very good that you will be able to find an effective treatment if you suffer from migraines.

Homeopathic Migraine Home Remedies

Just as the saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This is especially true when it comes to migraine home remedies. There are many options available in preventative care, such as avoiding the triggers that are known to cause your migraines, and getting plenty of exercise and sleep for effective stress management. Drinking water can also help since dehydration can lead to the headaches as well. There are also some general things to avoid that can help prevent migraines, such as caffeine, artificial sweeteners and cigarette smoke. If you are unable to ward off a headache, you can alleviate the pain somewhat by lying down in a dark room with a cool compress over your forehead or eyes.

Medications for Preventing and Treating Migraines

If the homeopathic approach just doesn't seem to do the trick, there are also many options in migraine home remedies that involve both over-the-counter and prescription medications. For mild migraines, a basic pain reliever like ibuprofen, acetaminophen and naproxen can be effective treatments, particularly when combined with a shot of caffeine in a cup of black coffee. If your migraines tend to run on the moderate to severe level, there are medicines that your doctor can prescribe that will ease the pain of the headache as well as alleviate other migraine symptoms like nausea. Most of these are taken at the first signs that a migraine is imminent. There are also a number of medications that are primarily taken as a maintenance drug to avoid the migraines altogether. These can be very effective for some migraine sufferers, although not all will find relief with this approach. If you suffer from frequent and/or severe migraines, you should talk to your doctor about the best migraine home remedy for you.