
Choices in Migraine Medication

If you have ever experienced the pain and discomfort of a migraine, you know how debilitating these headaches can be. Many frequent migraine sufferers miss portions of vacations, holidays and special events, because migraines can strike anywhere and at anytime. Those who have had life disrupted by a migraine, or who live in constant worry of when the next headache will hit may feel that their quality of life is actually compromised because of this condition. The good news is that there is a wide selection of migraine medications that will prevent and treat these painful headaches for a large number of migraine sufferers.

For Mild to Moderate Migraines

If you only get a migraine once in a blue moon, or if your headaches tend to fall on the milder side of the scale, over-the-counter migraine medications might be sufficient in meeting your needs. There are many to choose from, including acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen products. While acetaminophen is generally safe for almost anyone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can carry some risks, so it is a good idea to check with your doctor before taking these migraine medications on a regular basis. NSAIDS include ibuprofen and naproxen products. For an extra boost in effectiveness, taking any of these migraine medications with a cup of black coffee may actually enhance the result, since caffeine seems to lessen the severity and duration of these headaches. There are also over-the-counter migraine medications like Excedrin Migraine that contain caffeine as well as pain relief.

For Moderate to Severe Migraines

If over-the-counter migraine medications do not work effectively for you, there are also prescription drugs available for treating migraines. Some of these come from the family of triptans, and serve to diminish a migraine that has already begun. One of the commonly known names of a medication in this group is Imitrex. These migraine medications work best when taken at the first warning sign that a headache is imminent. For many, this may include symptoms like vision disturbances or an abrupt mood change. Another choice in prescription migraine medication is part of a group of drugs called prophylactic medicines. These include many classifications such as beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and antidepressants. These are primarily preventative medications, and tend to work best on those that suffer from frequent or unusually severe migraines.

Migraines do not have to put a damper on your everyday life. With the proper migraine medication that can be determined by you and your doctor, you will be on your way to more pain-free days and a better quality of life.