
Finding the best Migraine Treatment for you

If you have ever experienced the pain and discomfort of a migraine headache, you know how important it is to find an effective migraine treatment as soon as possible. The problem in finding a good treatment is that there are many different types of these headaches and not all respond to various remedies in the same manner. Treatment effectiveness can also vary considerably from patient to patient. The good news is that there are many options in migraine treatment, so if you are a migraine sufferer, there is a good chance that you will find an effective remedy for you.

Home Treatments for Migraine Sufferers

Many who suffer from migraine headaches choose to treat the symptoms from the comfort of home without much medication. These migraine treatments can include lying down in a dark room with a cool compress to the forehead. Often this method combined with a few hours of sleep is enough to do the trick. Others prefer to use an over-the-counter medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen at the first warning sign that a migraine is impending. Combining this type of medication with a dose of caffeine like a cup of black coffee is a good way to ward off many headaches. You can also use a medication that is specifically formulated to handle the many symptoms of a migraine, such as Excedrin Migraine.

When Home Treatments are not Enough

If the migraine treatments that you have tried at home have not been effective in getting rid of your headaches, you may want to visit with your doctor to learn about your options in prescription medications. These include a number of choices in migraine treatment that are designed to be taken at the first sign of a headache. Many migraine sufferers experience symptoms prior to the onset of the pain, such as vision disturbances and mood changes. By taking the medicine right away, it often will ward off the subsequent symptoms that usually ensue. There are also medications that are designed to be preventative care. These are often taken on a regular basis to avoid even the earliest signs of a migraine. These migraine treatments can be effective with patients who suffer from frequent and severe headaches, or for those where other treatments have simply not worked well.

Migraines are a difficult medical condition to cope with for many. Fortunately, there are many options available in migraine treatment to allow sufferers to live their lives without the painful headaches getting in the way.