
Understanding and Treating your Migraine Symptoms

Migraine sufferers know all too well the many symptoms that can accompany the intense pain of a migraine headache. Between the discomfort and the numerous debilitating symptoms, many people find that frequent migraine headaches get in the way of everyday life. This can be a frustrating cycle to say the least, but understanding your migraine symptoms will help you to get on the road to more effective migraine management. The symptoms of a migraine headache can affect many parts of your body besides your head, including your stomach, hearing and your eyesight. Each of these symptoms can be treated in various ways, and the end result may be a reduction in migraines and a better overall quality of life.

Vision Disturbances

Many migraine sufferers report that an "aura" or vision disturbance presents itself prior to the onset of a migraine headache. This migraine symptom can present in a variety of ways. Some will have a blind spot appear in one or both eyes. Others will see a geometric pattern, flashing lights or bright colors. Some will even lose sight in one eye during the episode. Once the pain sets in, sensitivity to light can be one of the migraine symptoms that can be alleviated by lying down in a dark room. A cool compress over the eyes can also be a soothing treatment.

Other Warning Signs

There are other migraine symptoms that offer a warning that the headache is imminent. These can include a sudden mood change to a feeling of euphoria, depression or irritability. Some migraine sufferers report strange sensations prior to the headache, such as a funny taste in the mouth or a strange odor. Muscle tension can precede a migraine, as can a lack of sleep or acute hunger. Many medications can be taken at the first sign of these early migraine symptoms to help ward off the ensuing pain and discomfort.

Additional Migraine Symptoms

Nausea is a problematic migraine symptom for about 80% of migraine sufferers, and many vomit or experience diarrhea through the duration of the headache. Sometimes treatment can include sipping soda or ice water, although many patients don't feel like eating or drinking anything during the episode. Lying quietly in a dark room with a cool compress to the forehead can ease the intensity of the pain, and therefore also alleviate the feeling of nausea for some. Many will also experience sensitivity to sound, which can also be helped by remaining in a dark, quiet room until the migraine symptoms subside.