
The Frightening Aspects Of A Hemiplegic Migraine

It has been estimated that 11 out of every 100 people suffer from some variation of a migraine headache. A migraine is a very severe and painful headache in which some of the symptoms include a pounding of the head, extreme sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, etc.

There are many factors that can trigger a migraine episode. Some of these factors include eating specific foods, smelling certain odors, changes in weather conditions, and alterations in one's lifestyle. These alterations could conclude the lack of sleep or too much asleep, stress, or, for a woman, a change in the menstrual cycle.

In addition, there are variations in types of migraine headaches. Some of these variations include an ophthalmic migraine, a basilar migraine and hemiplegic migraine.

What Is A Hemiplegic Migraine?

If you were to break down the Greek word hemiplegic you would discover that the prefix hemi means half. Plegia is the Greek word for paralysis and plegic is a derivative of that word. Combined, the word hemiplegic is defined as the paralysis of one side of the body.

Therefore, hemiplegic migraine is a migraine that is experienced by an individual which cause paralysis of one side of the body. Coupled with the pain experienced by an individual who experiences a hemiplegic migraine is the frightening similarity between a hemiplegic migraine and a stroke.


Symptoms of a hemiplegic migraine vary from individual to individual. Some common symptoms of this condition include difficulty of moving one side of the body, inability or difficulty in talking, no feeling on the affected side, or a tingling feeling. An individual who suffers from a hemiplegic migraine may experience one or all of these symptoms.

The positive aspect to experiencing this frightening condition is that the symptoms generally subside within a 24 hour period. However, there are reports where the symptoms may last longer and in fact continue after the actual headache has run its course.


The management for sufferers of a hemiplegic migraine is limited. Generally, only the symptoms associated with the hemiplegic migraine can be treated.

This limitation in treating an individual with hemiplegic migraine is due to the fact that there is a significant similarity between the symptoms of this condition and those who are suffering a stroke. Due to this similarity, the preventative medications of choice often have an adverse affect upon the heart and, with their use, may further damage the heart muscle. However, there are pain medications that will help to relieve the pain associated with a hemiplegic migraine.

One additional note of good news is the fact that there has been increasing genetic research conducted in this particular area of migraines. With the research has come the ability to diagnose a hemiplegic migraine more accurately. With this continued research and increase learning may result in the possibilities of any cure.