
The Uniqueness Of The Basilar Migraine

Originally medical researchers postulated that the onset of migraines had their beginnings in the blood vessels of those who were affected. They believed that the vessels would enlarge and dilate which in turn increased and restricted the natural flow of the blood system. This fluctuation in turn caused migraines to occur.

Subsequently, following additional research, it was determined that the onset of migraines in individuals was based on other factors. Some of those various factors included the eating of certain types of food, certain odors, the weather, behavioral changes (sleep patterns, stress, etc.) and stress.

In addition to many causes which brought on episodes of migraines, there are a variety of types of migraines that an individual can experience. One of the rarest types of migraines that can be experienced is the basilar migraine. A brief study of a basilar migraine will reveal what determines its uniqueness, causes and treatment.

What Is A Basilar Migraine

A basilar migraine is in some ways very typical to other migraines in that the symptoms that are exhibited by a sufferer are similar. Those common symptoms include nausea, a tingling feeling within the body, extreme sensitivity to sound or light, double vision, dizziness, incoherent speech and a difficulty in performing one's everyday routine.

However, the uniqueness of a basilar migraine is where the pain is centralized. Unlike a basic migraine where the sufferer experiences the pain in the middle portion of the cranium the basilar migraine sufferer describes their pain at the base or back portion of the head. This pain is excruciating and is defined as pounding in nature. Also, the pain extends upwards to both sides of the head.

It is important to note that a basilar migraine is rarer that other forms of migraines. Also, because of the severity of the symptoms associated with a basilar migraine, it is important for those who suffer from this type of migraine to be under the medical care of an attending physician. In addition, an extreme danger is the reality for an individual who suffers from episodes of basilar migraines to be more susceptible to a stroke.


The onset of a basilar migraine was once thought to be associated with the basilar artery. However, recent studies seem to point to migraine triggers that affect the nervous system of an individual. The triggers stimulate chemical reactions within the body which transmit certain signals to the brain which in turn brings on a migraine episode. In fact a basilar migraine, because of the original connection to its onset associated with the basilar artery, was called a BAM or basilar artery migraine.


Unfortunately, due to the rarity of this type of migraine, studies of this medical condition have been limited. This in turn has led to limited treatment options.

However, for the sufferer there are a few options. One of those options includes the use of triptans. Triptans work within the body by attaching themselves to a chemical found within the brain called serotonin. This function by triptans helps to constrict the blood vessels as well as the flow of blood to the brain.