
Migraine Information: The Four Phases of Migraines

There is a load of migraine information available for consumers, from triggers to treatments. Perhaps one piece of migraine information that many sufferers may not know is that migraines are considered by some to happen in four phases: the prodrome phase, the aura phase, the migraine headache phase, and the postdrome phase. Read below for more essential pieces of migraine information including more migraine information on the four phases and treatment options.

Phase One: Prodrome

When investigating migraine information, it's best to start at the very beginning. The first phase of a migraine is something that around 60% of migraine sufferers experience before a migraine occurs. This phase may start hours or days before an episode. The prodrome phase has many different symptoms that may make a person aware that a headache is about to come. These include sleepiness, irregularity, bloating, cravings, thirst, and light and sound sensitivity.

Phase Two: Aura

Perhaps the most interesting phase and piece of migraine information is the aura phase. Not as many migraines are accompanied by the second phase, which is aura. In this phase, sufferers are plagued with hallucinations of the visual, auditory, and olfactory kind. These can include anything from seeing flashing light to hearing sounds and smelling smells that are not there. These symptoms can be compounded with weakness in the muscles and speech difficulty.

Phase Three: Migraine Headache

The third phase, the phase that most individuals think about when they think about a migraine, is the migraine headache, which has unique symptoms from all other types of headaches. Typically, headaches sit on one side of the head or in areas surrounding the eyes. In addition to the pain in the head, migraine headaches also can bring nausea, vomiting, and scalp tenderness to someone living with migraines.

Phase Four: Postdrome

The last phase occurs as the migraine is beginning to leave the body. The person with the headache may still struggle with tenderness of the scalp, moodiness, consentration struggles and tiredness.

Migraine Treatments

While there is not at standard cure for migraines, there are several different treatments available to those living with migraines. The first level is over-the-counter medication, which includes pain relievers and anti-sickness medications. In addition, there are prescription medications that can be offered by a doctor. Preventative and natural treatments are also worth looking into for someone with migraines. For more questions and more migraine information, consult your physician.