
Help Replenish Lost Nutrients with Vitamins for Menopause

When you or other women are going through the process of menopause, it can be difficult, as your body goes through changes and ebbs. To help with this process, there are simple vitamins for menopause that you can take to help with the symptoms.

Taking vitamins has always been a smart and healthy decision, and taking vitamins for menopause is an even smarter decision. Listed below are some supplements that you can take for your menopausal symptoms.

Symptoms of Menopause

When a woman begins, and goes into the process of menopause, then she will begin to experience various symptoms associated with this life transition. As the estrogen and progesterone begin to decrease in production, and thus the ovulation cycle also decreases, then symptoms appear as a result. Hot flashes, depression, night sweats, irritability, vaginal dryness and loss in sexual drive will occur as the woman continues through menopause.

Vitamins to the Rescue

There are few options to dealing with menopause, and help to alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms. Your physician may suggest hormone replacement therapy, in which you begin to take hormones that are identical to the DNA of estrogen and progesterone.

This will help to replace what is being lost, the risks of hormone therapy increase, such as breast cancer, stroke and heart attack. If you or your family has a history of these problems, then your doctor may not recommend you take hormones. On the other end, if you want to naturally relieve your symptoms and help keep your body healthy during this process, then another option is vitamins for menopause.

To help with your hot flashes, vitamin C may be a good choice, as it helps to strengthen the immune system and collagen in the skin, thus reducing hot flashes and helping with vaginal dryness by making the skin stretchier.

Another very important supplement for menopause is vitamin E. Of the vitamins for menopause, this one has proven to reduce the risk of heart attack in women by 75 percent; a much better percentage then if a woman was given hormone replacement therapy. For stress, anxiety and other psychological problems associated with menopause, there is the option of Vitamin B, which is used to aid the adrenal gland, and lower stress pressure.

As one can see there are quite a bit of vitamins for menopause that are available for women, as a natural alternative to helping relieve some of the symptoms associated with menopause. If you do not want to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and other problems instead of increasing them, then vitamins for menopause will be a wise choice.