
Male Menopause: Not Too Dissimilar To The Female Condition

Mostly, when one hears the word "menopause," one immediately conjures up images of women having hot flashes, being fatigued, having infertility, and severe mood swings. However, men too have experienced such symptoms, though it has always been attributed to old age, and the matter has been swept under the covers and never spoken aloud.

Of late, however, more men are speaking out on the question of male menopause. This has led researchers to find out the truth behind such occurrences. The same psychological and physical symptoms are noticed in men as are in women.

Hormonal, Physiological and Chemical Changes

Male menopause will entail hormonal, physiological, as well as chemical changes that happens to men aged between forty and fifty-five years of age. It may be a physical condition that also has psychological as well as interpersonal, social, and also spiritual dimensions. When one considers male menopause, one will realize that men go through life phases and there may be stability as well as transitional periods in their lives.

A major reason why male menopause is generally not discussed in the open is due to it being characteristic of declining virility during middle age, and many will be reluctant to even admit that such is the case with them. The condition may be left untreated until the partner brings it to the notice of a physician. The Institute of Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine has an all encompassing treatment program for male menopause, which long not gotten the attention it deserved.

Male menopause has symptoms that are not as overwhelming as those experienced by females. It does not affect all men, and about forty percent of men in their forties, fifties and sixties will feel lethargic, depressed, and irritable. They will have mood swings as well as experience difficulty in attaining as well as maintaining erection. Such symptoms may even result in men becoming impotent as well as experiencing sexual frustration.

The causes of male menopause are yet to be fully researched, but factors such as hormone deficiencies, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, hypertension, some prescription as well as non-prescription drugs, poor diet as well as a lack of exercise may play a role in the development of this condition. Even doctors that profess to be experts on the subject have widely divergent opinions about the exact causes. They do, however, agree that there is a general decline in male potency during middle age, and it affects a great many males.