
How To Know If Early Menopause Has Begun

Menopause is the stage of life for a woman when she stops experiencing her regular monthly cycle. The exact definition is the cessation of menstrual periods for a full twelve months. While there is no definite age that will signal the beginning of the menopause stage of life in women, most doctors will agree that the typical age for menopause is between the years of 45 and 55. If a woman enters menopause prior to the age of 40, she is considered to be in early menopause.

A woman going through early menopause will experience all of the different signs and symptoms that a woman older then her would experience. The thing is though, there are also added symptoms and troubles that a woman with early menopause will face such as mental and emotional issues because of the extreme changes happening within the body at such a young age. If you believe that you are experiencing an early menopause symptom it is time to speak with your doctor because only he or she will be able to know for sure. There are tests that can be ran and it is important to find out sooner rather then later because of the risks that are involved.

The Risks Involved

While some people would believe that early menopause simply means that the woman can no longer become pregnant, there is much more to it then that. Women who go through early menopause are at risk for various kinds of medical conditions that really would not be a major concern for a woman who went through menopause at a more typical age. There is an increased risk for ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and osteoporosis. This is because of the estrogen levels being too low too early in life and it is something that has to be watched carefully.

There is also a small risk for gum disease, cataracts, and tooth loss because of the early menopause. So when it comes down to it, the benefits of no longer having to deal with a monthly period at a young age certainly does not out weigh the risk factors that are involved. It is important that any woman who is going through early menopause stay under the strict care of his or her doctor so that these and other health issues can be watched and addressed if they ever come about. Make sure that you and those you care about are watching for these health concerns carefully.

Why Early Menopause Occurs

Menopause can commence for a number of reasons. All of the factors focus primarily on the function of the ovaries, which means that if the ovaries stop functioning properly menopause will be a natural result. The ovaries might cease regular functioning because they stop producing eggs, stop responding to the body's hormonal signals, or are damaged or removed. If you think you might be in early menopause, your doctor can run tests that will determine the hormone levels in your body to find out for sure.

Some women have ovaries that stop producing eggs at an early age. This is called premature ovarian failure, and can be a cause of early menopause in some women. Ovaries can also become damaged through processes like radiation and chemotherapy treatments for cancer. A woman can also go into early menopause if she has an autoimmune disorder that has resulted in her immune system attacking the female organs of her body. Finally, a woman can experience early menopause if her ovaries are surgically removed.