
After the Change: Post Menopause Symptoms

A woman goes through different stages when she begins to move toward menopause. The last stage in the process, which has its own symptoms, is post menopause. Post menopause symptoms are similar to those experienced by women going through the process of menopause, but are usually less intense and can be readily monitored through lifestyle modification or hormone treatments.

Steps of the Process

The first symptoms of menopause vary from women to women, but there are some common factors that can be seen regardless of the woman before they reach the post menopause symptoms. Some of the first signs that a woman might be advancing toward menopause is that her periods change and become irregular, often becoming lighter or heavier, depending on the woman. This usually happens when the woman is in her mid to late thirties, although is even more common when she is in her forties.

Another symptom before a woman reaches full menopause and post menopausal symptoms is becoming more moody and also having hot flashes that occur at any time during the day or night. This moodiness is caused by the changes in the hormone levels in her body, causing it to stop the ovaries from producing viable eggs. There is less estrogen and progesterone in the woman's body, so the woman reacts with a moodiness that she has not experienced before. In her forties, this is usually even more pronounced and may need to be treated with hormone treatments so that it is not as severe. In some cases it will cause depression as well as a sense of loss for the woman, as she reaches the years where child-bearing is a stage of the past.

Although hot flashes are not usually a post menopausal symptom, they are a common problem for those going through the early stages leading to menopause. These hot flashes can disrupt sleeping patterns and can be uncomfortable and unsightly in public, causing the woman to break out in a sweat with red skin at a moment's notice. Other symptoms that can also be post menopausal symptoms are vaginal dryness and a decreased sex drive. Although this is not the case for all women, these can often affect the woman's relationship with her mate and proper measures need to be addressed with her doctor. In addition, there can be a bladder control issue, where incontinence can be a problem for some women. In addition, dry skin around the mouth and eyes as well as a thinning head of hair can also cause concern and esteem issues.