
Getting The Much Needed Menopause Relief

As a lot of women will tell you, there is nothing worse then going through menopause without some form of help to get you through the process. For those suffering alone and without anything to help them, they are putting themselves through more then they really have to. This is because there is such a thing as menopause relief and while it may not completely remove all of the problems that come along with what is going on in the body during this point in a woman's life but it can surely help reduce the pain and symptoms.

While some people prefer the natural menopause relief, it is known that more women tend to prefer a medication version of menopause relief because they feel that it will work faster for them. Some people may argue this point but the fact of the matter is that what will work wonders for one person in terms of menopause relief may not always work that great for someone else. The benefits received from the menopause relief is something that is going to be a case by case basis so you are just going to have to try these things for yourself.

Modern and Alternative Medicine for Menopause Relief

With all the advances in medical science, women no longer need to suffer through the years of pre-menopause, actual menopause, and post-menopause. Menopause relief comes from a variety of sources e.g. medical interventions, mental health treatment for emotional difficulties caused by menopause, and natural menopause relief through special herbs and alternative medical care.

Having been educated on menopause from an early age, women today know that they have many options to help make menopause problem-free. It's important to keep in mind that just like the onset of menstrual periods in young women, menopause is a completely natural occurrence; it's not a disease or an illness any more than menstruation and pregnancy are.

Finding The Best Help

When it comes to getting some great menopause relief, it is important that you really first start by talking with your doctor as he or she will be able to give you the best that medicine has to offer. The typical menopause relief is going to be a pain killer but as long as you are following doctors orders then you should be fine. Always make sure that you are starting and stopping medicines for menopause relief under the care of your health care professional. Always follow his or her orders so that you do not end up making your situation worse.

Menopause Relief: An Oxymoron?

Women have been going through menopause since before recorded history. Only a century ago, menopause relief was fairly unheard of. In the early 1900's menopause symptoms of excessive bleeding during menstrual periods, irregular periods, pain from endometriosis, insomnia and mood changes were considered as simply a part of life.

These symptoms were commonly treated with laudanum, a mixture of opium, wine and spices. Naturally, women achieved menopause relief using laudanum felt a whole lot better, but ended up addicted to opium! The only choices were putting up with the symptoms and discomfort until it finally passed in a few years, or becoming an addict. A few years later, Lydia Pinkham pills containing vitamins and herbs was touted for menopause relief; this concoction did bring relief to many women and is still used today.

For modern women, menopause relief comes in a variety of choices: (a) hormone replacement therapy to raise estrogen levels, (b) the use of other medications such as progestin to eliminate heavy bleeding, (c) surgical relief via hysterectomy, (d) natural remedies such as soy and black cohosh, (e) alternative remedies such as acupuncture and (f) anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication.

The most common complaints and requests for menopause relief in doctors' visits are insomnia, depression, appetite changes, lack of sexual libido, fatigue, and night sweats. All these conditions can be treated through either traditional medicine, alternative medicine, or a combination of both.

Many women are leery of hormone replacement therapy; it has been linked to breast and ovarian cancer. Women who have never been pregnant, smoke cigarettes, or have breast or ovarian cancer in their families are at higher risk for developing these potentially deadly conditions. Another condition associated with hormone replacement therapy for menopause relief is gallbladder disease that usually can only be treated with surgery. Since menopause cannot be prevented, women should consider all their options for menopause relief. They should give several treatments a "trial run" and then select the option that seems right for them.