
How to Live with Wheat Allergies

Millions of people suffer from allergies each day from a variety of causes, some external and some internal. The external allergies come from environmental factors such as pollen, dust, and chemicals, while internal allergic reactions are most often caused by certain foods that one ingests, such as eggs, peanuts or shellfish. Wheat allergies are also one type of allergy that causes many painful side effects for the sufferer. It is a difficult allergy to manage, as many food sources that are available often contain wheat or a derivative thereof. Yet, with diligence, this allergy can be managed using some simple methods.


The symptoms of wheat allergies can occur anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours after eating a wheat product. These signs can range from mild to severe. In more serious cases, immediate medical care may be required, since anaphylaxis (severe allergy symptoms) is a life threatening condition. Wheat allergy symptoms can include nasal congestion, airway inflammation and swelling, hives or other skin irritation, or gastrointestinal problems. More severe symptoms might also be airway constriction, rapid pulse, dizziness and shock. These are the symptoms that will require immediate medical care because they can become life threatening very quickly.


Treatment of wheat allergies will primarily include avoidance of wheat products once you have had an allergic reaction that can be attributed to wheat. Since wheat allergies can become more severe as you experience more reactions, it is important to see your doctor even if you've had a mild allergic reaction to wheat. Your doctor can test you to see if wheat was indeed the culprit of your allergies through a variety of methods. Once a wheat allergy is diagnosed, it will be up to you to ensure that you avoid all wheat products in the future. Fortunately, this has become easier in the United States since food manufacturers have been required to list wheat ingredients on their package labels.

If you have had a severe reaction with a wheat allergy, your doctor may advise you to carry an emergency treatment with you called an EpiPen. This is an injection that can be given if you are exposed to wheat, since it can be difficult to avoid this substance altogether. You may also wear a bracelet so that those around you will also know that you have a wheat allergy. For most wheat allergy sufferers, it is sufficient to try to avoid wheat products as much as possible, and to take an antihistamine if wheat exposure inadvertently occurs. And keep in mind that wheat allergies occur most often in children, and are often outgrown.

Wheat Allergy Vs. Wheat Intolerance

Wheat allergy and wheat intolerance are two very different set of problems. A wheat allergy begins with a sudden allergic reaction to a component of the wheat. It is an auto-immune response that can cause asthma, coughing, vomiting or breathing difficulties. It can be life-threatening in some instances, depending on the person's reaction. A true allergy to wheat is rather rare, as less that one half percent of the population suffer from a true allergic response. Most of the problems from wheat come from wheat intolerance, which is when a person reacts to the gluten in wheat. The gluten is a complex protein that causes the wheat to stick together and rise when baked. It can also be found in rye and barley as well. This intolerance can affect as many as one in seven people, and the number is growing each year.

A wheat allergy is different from wheat intolerance in that wheat intolerance may or may not cause immediate symptoms as a true allergic reaction does. The symptoms of wheat intolerance may seem less obvious, such as gastrointestinal upset, eczema, depression, or low blood iron levels. Often, these symptoms aren't associated with wheat intolerance right away, and much needless suffering continues to occur. There are serious health risks associated with both wheat allergy and wheat intolerance, yet the intolerance risks are more long-term, chronic conditions such as diabetes, anemia, and bowel cancer.

The treatment for a wheat allergy is complete avoidance of all wheat products for a lifetime. This is difficult to maintain at first but is imperative if good health is desired. For a wheat intolerance, a complete gluten free diet is followed, avoiding all gluten-containing grains, including wheat, barley, rye, and because of contamination risks, oats as well. As stated, living with a wheat allergy or intolerance can make life in modern times a bit more difficult as planning and preparing are often needed, yet good health and results make it all worthwhile.