
Consider Fluconazole For Mold Allergies

If you have ever had chronic sinus problems or allergies that never seem to lessen in severity even when pollen counts are low then you just might have mold to blame. Mold is everywhere and even though it can be a major problem, it is one of the last things that doctors consider when treating sinus problems and allergies. Typically a prescription of fluconazole for mold allergies is what clears many symptoms up and brings relief.

Make sure that your doctor takes a culture of your nose to determine that mold is indeed the culprit. Many times the lab that analyzes the culture can say what type of mold is causing the problem and recommend a good anti-fungal medication in addition to fluconazole for mold allergies.

The Many Forms Of Mold

Mold is a mighty fungus and its many forms run into the hundreds of thousands with some just being minor irritants while others like the dreaded black or toxic mold can be life threatening. Every home has some mold growing whether it is that lab experiment in the refrigerator or some fuzzy appearances where there was a plumbing leak in the ceiling.

Mold in the home can cause illness, especially in the very young and very old who do not have strong immune systems. Therefore, when you present symptoms of allergies, sinus issues or even asthma, tell your doctor about the possibility of mold. He will likely prescribe fluconazole for mold allergies.


Fluconazole for mold allergies is an expected treatment once other medications have been exhausted. You might know this drug as Diflucan, which not only treats mold allergies but also infections caused by various types of yeast, which are in the fungus family, the same family as mold. Therefore, you should be able to see the relationship and the reason why fluconazole for mold allergies is a logical move.

Fluconazole comes in both pill form as well as oral suspension and typically adults will receive the pill form while children receive the liquid. If you are on any other medications, you should let your doctor know before you fill the prescription fluconazole for mold allergies. Some diabetic medications as well as those for insomnia and high blood pressure can cause reactions and there may be some over the counter remedies that can also be a problem.

Of course, fluconazole for mold allergies can also present some side effects in a small percentage of people but most do go away on their own. Diarrhea, nausea and even loss of appetite are temporary effects but anything more serious should be reported to your doctor.