
The Link between Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis and a Mold Allergy

There are a number of allergens that can cause seasonal allergic rhinitis. Most of these identified allergens are airborne, such as the pollen that is blown about from trees, plants and grasses. Another type of airborne allergen, mold spores, is the seasonal culprit of mold allergies. This type of allergy is generally found from spring to early fall, with a peak in the late summer months, although other types of mold can cause symptoms nearly year-round. The allergens that cause mold allergies are generally found in humid climates, and moist areas like rotted logs and compost piles. They can also be found indoors in damp basements or closets, or even lurking in your shower stall. Fresh food storage areas are also a popular hangout for mold spores, as well as house plants and certain pieces of furniture.

Why do Mold Allergies Occur?

If you suffer from a mold allergy, your immune system has incorrectly identified mold spores as a substance that is harmful to your body. The response of your immune system is to produce antibodies called immunoglobulin that will create chemicals that will ward off these potentially damaging substances. The result is symptoms like sneezing, wheezing, watery eyes and itching. In the case of a mold allergy, the mold spores are airborne and inhaled into the body through the respiratory tract. This is why nasal congestion and coughs are common complaints of mold allergy sufferers. The incidence of symptoms from a mold allergy will be dependent on the abundance of the allergen and the ability of the air currents to spread the spores. These factors can be affected by changes in weather patterns throughout the day, making mold counts somewhat ineffective in determining the severity of the allergen exposure.


The symptoms of mold allergies are similar to those of other allergic reactions, and can include nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, and a skin rash. If you experience these symptoms while raking leaves or mowing grass, you might be suffering from mold allergies. Likewise, if you notice these symptoms when you enter a musty basement or other moist area, mold may indeed be the culprit. To determine if your allergies really are caused by mold spores, you can have an allergy test done at your doctor's office. There are two types of tests that are done; a skin test or a blood sample. Either test can give your doctor a good idea about the substances that you might be allergic to so that he can treat your allergies in the most effective way.

Treatment and Prevention

Treatment for any type of allergy generally includes over the counter medications like decongestants and antihistamines. For more severe symptoms, your doctor can prescribe similar medications in stronger doses. You can also opt for steroidal nasal sprays to keep nasal passages clear, or inhaled medications if you also suffer from asthma. Many of these medications are safe to take over a longer period of time, making them a good option for mold allergy sufferers who might experience symptoms year round.

While there are numerous treatments for allergies that can be very helpful, another good way of reducing symptoms is by prevention. This usually entails an avoidance of the allergy triggers - which in this case would be mold spores. Prevention of mold allergies might include avoiding food that has a greater chance of harboring mold, like cheese and mushrooms, or staying away from damp areas like basements. It is also a good idea to change your furnace filter frequently to prevent mold from developing. With a combination of prevention and treatment options, you can successfully keep your mold allergy symptoms at bay.