
Gluten Allery: Dealing With A Challenging Way Of Life

There is a rubbery like protein in various grains that causes a great amount of problems for more and more people across our nation and our world. This substance is a naturally occurring one, and has been around for thousands of years. This protein is called gluten and can be found in wheat, rye, barley and a low level in oats as well. This is what helps bind the dough together, causing it to rise when baked. These grains can cause a gluten allergy in those who are sensitive, yet other proteins in the grains can also cause symptoms as well.

Understanding And Coping With Gluten Allergy

There are four primary proteins that are found in gluten-containing grains. These are albumin, globulin, gliadin, and glutenin. The symptoms from any of these proteins can be quite similar, causing a variety of problems including abdominal cramps, swelling, vomiting or asthma. The symptoms could even be life threatening if one is highly sensitive. An early diagnosis of this condition is relatively simple if one is aware of this sensitivity and its prevalence in today's society. Often, many people have gone an average of 11 years with problems from gluten allergy before being properly diagnosed. It is very important to locate a trained professional who is skilled in these types of issues when dealing with gluten allergy.

A skin prick can sometimes be used to detect an allergy to wheat, yet a true gluten allergy may be found by the prick test, but more often a blood test is done in order to confirm this assumption. Since wheat is found in so many daily food items, it is difficult to find the true culprit of the symptoms sometimes. Yet, with diligence, it can be done. If a gluten reaction is very severe, then the patient should be told to eliminate all gluten-containing products from one's diet. However, some doctors suggest that if the gluten allergy is minor, that small amounts may be introduced with time. This theory is debatable at best, as some agree that alleviating the gluten-containing grains indefinitely is a far better approach.

Gluten allergy should not be confused with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, which is a hereditary disorder and is auto-immune in nature. The gluten actually damages the intestinal lining in this disease, causing food to be improperly absorbed by the body. Celiac disease requires that gluten be eliminated from the diet totally and for life. While living with a gluten allergy or intolerance is a bit more inconvenient, the health which is gained when following the diet is worth all the effort.