
Food Choices for a Soy Allergy Diet

When a person develops a food allergy like a soy allergy, it is a process in which the immune system malfunctions and identifies a type of food as a potentially harmful substance to the body. The immune system will respond by producing antibodies called immunoglobulin (IgE's) that will create chemicals like histamines to help protect the body from these "harmful" substances. The result is symptoms like a runny nose, watery eyes, hives and itching, wheezing and gastrointestinal problems. Some people will have an intolerance to certain types of food instead of an actual food allergy. While this condition may include similar symptoms to a food allergy as far as a stomach upset and pain, the immune system is not involved in any way with this process. Food allergies can be a reaction to nearly any type of food, but the most common culprits are milk, eggs, fish, and legumes which can include soy products.

Foods that can contribute to a Soy Allergy

Since soybeans are a legume, if you suffer from a soy allergy, you may also have a reaction to related foods like beans, peas and peanuts as well. Some reactions to these products will be mild and include itching, wheezing or diarrhea. There are many other symptoms that can appear as well, and some can become quite severe. Because a soy allergy is a potentially dangerous condition, it is a good idea to see your doctor for a definitive diagnosis and instructions on the most effective way to manage your particular allergy. Avoiding the known allergen becomes a tricky endeavor, when it encompasses many types of foods like a soy allergy can. It is a good idea to make an appointment with a dietician as well as an allergist to develop the best diet plan for managing your allergy successfully.

Possible Prevention of a Soy Allergy

While food allergies affect a small percentage of the population, the number can still translate into millions of people in this country who suffer from some type of food allergies. Statistics show that the percentage of the population who is diagnosed with a soy allergy is at about .5%. Often this type of allergy is found in children, and many times it is not detected until the second or third exposure to the food. There are some ways to cut down on the odds of developing a soy allergy. First, doctors recommend that mothers nurse their babies for at least the first six months of life. It is also a good idea to wait until your child is at least six months old before offering any solid foods. This will not only reduce the risk of a soy allergy, but may cut down on the incidence of other food allergies as well.