
Sugar Allergy Symptoms May Be Refined

For a person who may believe that have a sugar allergy, the problem could be devastating since just about every food item contains some form of sugar, and the body has such a high dependency on it for energy. While consuming sugar may produce some of the symptoms usually associated with an allergic reaction, there is a good chance they are caused by an intolerance of refined sugar.

For many generations, parents were of the belief that too much sugar caused their children to be hyperactive or cause them to develop a sugar allergy and limited their intake. While science has found no link between and over active child and the amount of sugar they ate, they have determined that too much sugar was never good for children for a variety of reasons, including dental and the potential to develop an intolerance for the substance.

An intolerance to sugar has been shown to cause a resistance to insulin and well as rapid weight gain if ingested in too large a quantity. It can also lead to fatigue, joint pain, forgetfulness and confusion. The thinking process may also be affected by reducing neurotransmitters leading some people to think it is a reaction to a sugar allergy.

Control Sugar Intake To Reduce Intolerance Effects

Inattention and restlessness may be signs of a sugar intolerance, often confused as a sugar allergy, especially in school-age children and while sugar intake will need to be monitored, it is not considered a true sugar allergy. When the body develops an allergy to a certain food, it is confusing that food with an allergen and develops an immune system reaction to destroy it. While many foods cause an allergic reaction in many people, a sugar allergy has never been firmly established.

Many allergy type symptoms may appear in a person with an intolerance to refined sugar and resultantly should stay away from it in all forms. An elimination diet may also be needed to determine if it is a sugar intolerance causing the symptoms. If you believe it to be sugar, eliminate all forms of added sugar for at least one week, keeping track of what forms of sugar are ingested. If the symptoms disappear, then you are on the right track in reducing the effects of the intolerance.

Keep a diary of what fruits and other foods containing natural foods have been consumed on a daily basis until you can zero in on the foods that may be giving you the symptoms of a sugar allergy.