
How To Live And Thrive With A Milk Allergy

Allergies can occur at almost any age, yet many allergies begin during infancy and early childhood and continue to cause problems for years to come. Sometimes, a child is known to have "grown out of" the allergy, yet this is almost never true, as the allergy will typically just manifest in a different way as time passes. Determining specific allergies are a very important part of keeping one healthy and well, as they are a common problem in our society. Everyone seems to have "allergies" yet many do not know what it is that they are allergic to. We want a quick fix, so we go to the doctor and take medications that simply mask the real problem. One such allergy that is extremely common yet seriously under diagnosed is a milk allergy. This affects thousands of children and adults, yet people often go for years never suspecting that when they "got milk" then they "got sick."

The Signs And Symptoms Of A Milk Allergy

Infants are often fussy at times, such as when they are tired or hungry, yet an extremely fussy baby may be suffering from a milk allergy, which is an allergy to the protein in cow's milk or any other type of dairy. This is typically the basis for all commercial baby formulas, with the exception of soy. Anyone can develop a milk allergy, yet it is more common among infants. Often, it is said that infants outgrow this allergy by the time they are in their childhood years. While this is debated by many, one thing is important during the infancy years; if you suspect your child is allergic to dairy, talk with your doctor and begin eliminating dairy from your baby's diet to see if this helps.

A child's immune system sees the milk protein as a foreign and dangerous substance, and it tries to fight this invader out of the body. The reaction can cause the child to be irritable and fussy, an upset stomach or constipation. Most children also react to goat's milk as well as sheep's milk, and some are also allergic to the protein found in soy. Breastfeeding infants helps to prevent a more serious milk allergy, yet it does not fully prevent it in all. Many researchers believe that the milk allergy is genetic and an inherited trait. While some may supposedly outgrow this allergy by age 5, many do not and must stay away from milk for a lifetime. Yet, knowing that one is allergic to dairy and milk is a step closer to healing and health, and many good alternatives to dairy are available on the market today.