
Understanding the Question: What is Mold?

When it comes to the question of what is mold, there are actually quite a few different things that need to be known. For one, mold is a fungus that grows on plants and in damp areas, and while most types of mold are generally harmless, there are some known as toxic mold which can be extremely dangerous and which can result in anything from coughs and colds to fibromyalgia.

As well when it comes to the question of what is mold it is important to know that a lot of the times you will not even notice that mold has developed in your home until months or even years down the road, unless you purposely keep an eye out for it and take the proper steps to ensuring a safe and mold-free home.

What is Mold Protection?

Mold protection is basically when you would take the proper steps and precautions in order to attempt at keeping your house free from mold. For instance you will always want to check around your house, especially in the basement, to look for any areas with lots of moisture or dampness, or where leaks have sprung and there is water damage.

What is Mold Removal?

Mold removal is when you find a mold problem in your home and eliminate it. So if you do happen to discover mold in your home, the first thing you are going to have to do is determine and eliminate the source. You need to find out how and where moisture is seeping into your home, and then deal with it accordingly.

If the area in which you have found the mold is not particularly large then you should be able to take care of it yourself, but if it covers a larger area then you may want to call in professionals to deal with it, not only to save you the effort of having to get rid of all that mold but as well for your own safety.

When it comes to what is mold protection, you need to realize that basically as long as the moisture problem has been eliminated and the existing mold has been properly removed, then you should not have a problem anymore. You will want to keep an eye on the area however, especially over the few months following the removal of the mold, just to be sure that it does not start to grow back.