
What To Do When You Found Molds On Cheese

When we hear the word, "mold" it often brings a cringe to our stomach because we think that they are a product of rotten or damaged foods or they are the questionable substance lurking in the inner dark side of our walls which could damage our houses. Often times, we may hear that they are toxins that could cause serious health problems and sometimes could cause death on animals.

Though we may hear lots of bad things about what could molds do to us and to our surroundings, there are certain benefits that we could get from molds because they are use on cheese making. The molds on cheese could sometimes be found especially to the kind which has unusual and more sophisticated cuisine uses such as Stilton, Brie, and Camembert.

What To Do

We all know that molds are used in making different kinds of cheese. However, it is completely a different story when you found molds on cheese especially when you know that they are not part of the process in cheese making. When you found molds on cheese, here are certain things that you should know in order for you to determine if they are still safe to serve and eat.

When you find molds on hard cheeses, what you could do is cut off all the parts that are affected since they are not part of making those kinds of cheese. You could cut off at least one inch around and below the mold spot while keeping the knife away from the mold spot so that your knife will not be contaminated. Once the molds on cheese are removed, it is still safe to serve and eat them.

When it comes to cheeses that were made with mold like Brie, Stilton, Camembert, Roquefort, blue, and Gorgonzola, discard the soft cheeses like Brie and Camembert if they have molds that are not part of the process, meaning molds that were not there when you first opened them. Repeat the process on hard cheeses in Gorgonzola and Stilton if you found molds on them that you know were not there in the first place.

If you have soft cheeses, yogurt, and sour cream and you found molds on cheese, what you could do is immediately discard them since they are said to be very dangerous to our health. Foods that contain high moisture level may contaminate the ones below the surface and always remember that moldy foods may also contain bacteria growing with the mold.