
How to Get Rid of Mold: Simple Methods

The question of how to get rid of mold is one that plagues many of us. When mold or mildew got out of control it can be disgusting and difficult for a homeowner to deal with. It is also a very unattractive feature to have in your home.

Why Get Rid of Mold?

Compounding the problem that mold creates with its gross appearance is the issue that some mold can produce mycotoxins, which can cause people to become sick. Even if the mold is not normally harmful, some individuals are allergic to some types of molds. When this is the case even molds that are normally thought of as harmless can cause a person to become ill. This makes the problem of how to get rid of mold even more important.

How to Get Rid of Mold

There are several basic methods that a person can use if they are trying to get rid of mold in their homes, as well as prevent it from ever gaining ground. Some of these methods include:

Cleaning - something as simple as cleaning your shower and other places mold is prone to appear on a regular basis can help the mold or mildew from ever taking hold. Using bleach, vinegar, or lemon juice mixed with soap and water are all effective at preventing mildew and mold. However, never mix these ingredients. Mixing cleaning ingredients can cause toxic substances to form. Simply pick on and add it to some soap and water and you have an effective method to prevent and get rid of mold in many areas of your house.

Lower Humidity Levels - Lowering humidity levels in your home is a great first step to take when you are wondering how to get rid of mold. This can be done by using fans, opening a window, installing and using air conditioning, or by using a dehumidifier. To keep your home free of excessive humidity the key is to keep the air moving in whatever way is possible. Make sure not to trap moist air in areas like the bathroom by shutting the door after you have showered and left the room. That makes a great moist, dark room that is perfect for mildew and mold to grow in.

Use Light - Using light is a great step when you are working on the problem of how to get rid of mold. Mold grows best in areas that are dark so install extra lighting in areas that you may have that are prone to mold growth. Or, if you already have lighting in these areas, use brighter bulbs and make sure to turn them on occasionally.