
Signs of Infant Teething: Know What to Watch For

Anyone who has a baby needs to be prepared for that time in the baby's life when their little teeth start to poke through. This is their first set of teeth, and the process is known as teething. This is never a fun experience, especially not for baby who is going to be put through a great amount of pain and discomfort.

It can be hard to tell when the baby is teething, especially if this is your first child, but there are a few signs of infant teething and first signs of teething that will pretty much let you know when your child is starting with this tough time in their young baby life.

When is Your Baby Teething?

Before you learn about the signs of infant teething, know that every child is teething and so just because another baby may exhibit certain symptoms, this does not mean that your child is going to show any of the same.

One of the most common signs of infant teething is a diaper rash. Lots of babies develop diaper rash when they are teething so don't be surprised if this happens with your child. It will also probably be extremely difficult for you to ease baby's diaper rash, at least until the tooth or teeth break through and then you will notice that it begins to disappear.

Your child may also begin to refuse their food. Especially if your little one is usually a very happy eater, this is probably one of the signs of infant teething that they are starting to have teeth poke through.

Helping Baby Find Relief of Their Pain

Now when you do notice the signs of infant teething of course you are going to be concerned with what you can do to baby to help ease their pain. Fortunately there are quite a few different things that you can do to relieve baby's teething pain. Putting anything cold in their mouth will work well just make sure that it is something safe, that is not going to get caught in baby's throat.

Teething rings that you can put in the freezer are usually your best bet. You can also make up some natural remedies including herbs and oils, and these will help to alleviate baby's pain and help them to get to sleep at night when they are put to bed. Even just rocking them will help them to relax and settle down.