
Exploring Some Signs Of Early Teething

If you're worried about the time that your sweet little angel turns into a drooler with teeth on their way, you might be interested in learning about the signs of early teething. Once you know what to watch for, you can be on the alert for the signs, and know what to expect along the way. Signs of teething in toddlers are very similar, and though they've been through the pain before, it isn't necessarily easier.

Most children begin teething at about six months old. Some start at a younger age, and others won't have any teeth erupt until well after the first birthday - though they can be having signs of teething earlier than that.

Just as adults can have differing symptoms and pain thresholds for maladies, so can children. The signs of teething that come early can begin to be expected and understood. Remember to always check with your doctor if you suspect your child may be sick, as some of the early signs of teething may mimic illnesses.

All That Extra Saliva

All experts agree that teething causes drooling. Expect it - along with the side effect of a rash on the chin and around the mouth from all the extra moisture. You can try wiping their chin periodically. Some find that this can help keep them face from breaking into a rash. Also, the drooling can cause coughing and gagging. It's not a big deal - baby will be fine as long as there is no fever and the baby seems okay.


If your child is extra grumpy, consider the possibility of teething. This sign of early teething can be very obvious - and is particularly bad for the first teeth and the molars (which are larger) come through the sensitive gums of the child's mouth. Having a sore mouth may also result in less happy feedings. Be careful and sensitive with baby at this grumpy stage of their short life.

Because the pain of the mouth and gums can be worse at night, baby may wake up more at night than usual while he is teething. This is not an early sign of teething, but it tends to develop as the teeth get closer to erupting. Baby may need extra nap time if sleep is very poor during this teething time.

Biting And Chewing

When the teeth are trying to erupt, many babies and toddlers want to bite or chew on something. It can feel particularly good to have it be something cold - like a teething ring that has been frozen.

Breastfeeding babies may accidentally bite Mom - since biting feels good to their gums. But biting and nursing can't co-exist. While nursing, the tongue is over baby's bottom gum - biting would mean they are biting their own tongue. If baby tries to bite or chew on his mother's nipple, Mom should carefully slide her finger into the side of baby's mouth to break the suction, and help baby learn that mom is not for biting. Give him a chew toy, instead. Above all, don't react strongly (by screaming or yelling - it will frighten baby and may cause a nursing strike) and please, don't wean at this critical time! Babies in distress with a very sore mouth need as much extra love and comfort as they can get - not to be denied their favorite thing of comfort.

Biting and chewing are a sign of early teething that can be managed proactively, with chew toys and frozen wet washcloths to chew on or frozen peas to eat.