
A Guide To Puppy Teething Symptoms

Just like humans babies, when puppies get into teething phase, they will show various puppy teething symptoms. Puppies are born without teeth, and teething is a process when new teeth start to appear.

Various Puppy Teething Symptoms

Most common puppy teething symptoms is excessive chewing, as it relieves the pain and soreness caused by eruption of teeth. It is important to give quality care to the puppy during this phase. Accept the fact that some form of chewing has to be allowed in the house. Sometimes, puppy may chew on something valuable just out of curiosity or boredom. It is their way of exploring the world. But, as a pet owner, it is important to control the excessive chewing of the puppy, and direct it in a positive way so that puppy can live peacefully as a family member.

To deal with puppy teething symptoms, get some chewing and teething toys from the pet stores. Ensure that these items are safe for the puppy. Some of the good choices can be rawhide chewies, rope toys and toys that can be filled with treats. You can also put these toys in refrigerator for a while and then give them to the puppy. Keep rotating the toys so that puppy does not get bored of same toys.

Crying is another puppy teething symptom, or puppy may show irritability and feel discomfort. There may also be loss of appetite and diarrhoea, though these are not common symptoms. Swollen gums is also a puppy teething symptom, and can make the puppy quite irritable.

To alleviate some puppy teething symptoms, special gels and powders that are designed for veterinarian use can be used. Allow normal level of chewing for the puppy as pressure on the gums reduces pain and soreness. Engage the puppy in physical exercise and playful activities.

Puppy teething can be much easier for pet as well as for pet owner when there are lots of rubber objects around to keep the puppy distracted. Cold piece of cloth or frozen foods can work wonders to alleviate soreness during the teething time. Just be patient and kind with the puppy, and keep in mind that it is just a phase, and will get over sooner than you think. A little love and affection will help pet better cope with pain.

Some signs and symptoms of teething are common and usual, but if you notice something unusual, report to the doctor immediately. There might be some other cause, such as infection.