
T-Cups, Toys and the Art of Tiny Puppy Care

Having the knowledge and proper information needed for tiny puppy care can make your experience with your tiny puppy an enjoyable one. A reputable breeder can provide you with all of this information. A tiny puppy, or toy or t-cup puppy, are all considered the smallest of breeds. These puppies have been named tiny, t-cup or toy to distinguish them from all other breeds of dogs. They are generally the Maltese, Pomeranian, Shi Tzu, Papillon, Chihuahua and Boston Terrier, to name just a few. Tiny puppy care is a bit different than caring for the average puppy.


The main thing to remember with tiny puppy care is to keep the tiny puppies fed and warm. Tiny puppies should be kept in a warm and dry environment at all times. The ideal temperature is 80 degrees. It is highly suggested that you have a sweater for your tiny puppy to wear. A sweater can be made simply from a sock, with a toe cut out and two small holes for the front legs. In very cold weather, a heating pad on a low setting can be placed underneath the crate. It is highly suggested that you set the heating pad on only half of the crate so the puppy can decide if he is too warm and can move to a cooler spot.


Your tiny puppy should have fresh water and food at all times. This is especially important in tiny puppy care during the first few weeks in his new home. Tiny puppies need to eat every three hours. Be sure that you watch them eat. Tiny puppies cannot go very long without a meal. A tiny puppy's energy can be zapped very quickly without exact feeding times.

Sleeping with your puppy is not a good idea. If he is in bed with you, he will not be able to get to his food. With tiny puppy care you must have his food and water available around the clock. In the event that your tiny puppy decides not to eat, it is imperative that you have an eyedropper and a couple of jars of baby food on hand. This will save your tiny puppy's life in case of an emergency.

If you notice your tiny puppy is lethargic, it is good tiny puppy care to give him a small dose of honey. Your tiny puppy is probably hypoglycemic. This is a problem not uncommon with tiny puppies. Tiny puppy care requires that you never give your tiny puppy milk or table food. If you are very strict with your tiny puppy care, then your tiny puppy will be a happy and healthy one.