
Surviving the First Days: A Newborn Puppy Care Guide

Puppies can be a fun addition to the household, but they can also be plenty of work to care for and train. The first few days after you bring your puppy home from the shelter or breeder will do much to shape the relationship that you and your new dog will have for years to come. It is important to prepare yourself for these early days with your new puppy, and a newborn puppy care guide can be just the ticket to provide you with all of the information that you will need. Puppies are generally not allowed to go home with a new owner until they are at least eight weeks of age, so keep in mind that a newborn puppy care guide will be dealing with dogs of this approximate age.

Bringing your Puppy Home

Your new pup has spent the first eight weeks of his life surrounded by his mother and littermates. He has eaten with the pack, slept with them and had plenty of playmates to choose from. All of a sudden, your puppy is taken from the environment that makes him feel safe and comfortable, and is placed into unfamiliar surrounding without the pups around him that he is so used to. It is no wonder that you and your puppy might have a sleepless night or two at the beginning. However, there are some pointers in a newborn puppy care guide that will help you to manage those first few nights as gently as possible.

First, before you bring your pup home, purchase a dog crate for him to sleep in. This will give your dog a safe haven that will feel like home much more quickly than your large and overwhelming bedroom might. It will also give him an enclosed sleeping area that gives you the peace of mind in knowing that he is not spending his night soiling your carpet or chewing on your furniture. Place an old blanket or towel inside so that your dog feels secure and warm. If you are concerned about him whining through the night, you can keep the crate close to your bed until your dog feels more comfortable. It should only take a couple of nights for your puppy to settle into his new home.

Feeding your Puppy

Most newborn puppy care guides recommend that you feed a very young dog three times a day with a high-quality dry puppy food. Once your dog hits the three month age, you can drop the feeding frequency down to twice a day. Do not feed your puppy anything but puppy food, and an occasional treat like a Milk Bone biscuit. This will ensure that your puppy's weight and digestive system remain healthy. Your newborn puppy care guide will probably also recommend that you do not leave food down for your dog all of the time, since this can lead to unhealthy eating habits and overeating.

A new puppy can be cute and fun, but a newborn puppy care guide is essential in providing information about how to care for your young dog properly. You can find newborn puppy care guides at your pet shop, breeder, or veterinarian's office.