
The Best In Chihuahua Puppy Care Starts With You

When you get your new Chihuahua, it is important that you realize that Chihuahua puppy care starts with you. There are so many things that you might want to be a part of when you get your new dog, and it might be very intimidating because there are so many things to think about when you start to deal with Chihuahua puppy care. However, remember that there are a lot of common sense things that you should think about when you dealing with Chihuahua puppy care and that the majority of them are simply easy for you to understand.

Begin With Research

The first step in providing correct Chihuahua puppy care for your new dog is to research the breed. There are many things about Chihuahuas that you might not know, and it is important that you realize that Chihuahua puppy care is not the same as regular puppy care. Indeed, all breeds have their own things that need to be done to provide correct care. One of the different aspects of Chihuahua puppy care that isn't the same with other dogs is the small size of the Chihuahua and the fact that they are much more prone to getting cold than other dogs. You should always be aware that a Chihuahua puppy needs to be in a very warm environment, and if the room isn't that warm, you will need to provide extra warmth.

Another thing that goes along with the idea of temperature when you are thinking about Chihuahua puppy care is that Chihuahua puppies are more prone to being dehydrated, because they spend a lot of their time in warm environments. Many people over look this and don't provide extra water, but you should remember to provide more water than you think the dog needs.

There is another thing about Chihuahua puppy care that you should realize before you get the dog for yourself. Most people consider Chihuahua's to be fun toy dogs, the kind that you can carry along with you at all times. While this might be true, the fact of the matter is that the Chihuahuas are not toys, but they are real dogs. They have needs, such as their own space and their own time. You can't expect to always be holding your puppy, because a dog will need to get down and romp and play. If you don't give your Chihuahua enough of his own time, he might get mean.