
Be Smart When Taking Care of A Sick Puppy

There is nothing sadder than finding out that your brand new puppy has taken ill. The bright little life that has given you so much pleasure over the last few weeks is sitting quietly in a corner. His little eyes open and close and his head is down. Puppies are like little children. When taking care of a sick puppy, be smart and use common sense. Taking care of your sick puppy is usually a challenging ordeal. Even though they are like little children, they can not tell you where it hurts. And when they vomit, it is hard to stick their head in a bucket. But remembering the basics of first aid and calling your vet, will greatly help you in taking care of your sick puppy.

A Warm or Cold Nose

The first way to tell if a puppy is really sick and not just reacting from eating the wrong rock, is whether his nose is cold or warm. Puppies have cold and wet noses. If your puppy's nose is dry and warm, then he is running a fever. It's difficult to take your puppy's temperature at home, so by feeling his nose will give you a good indication.

If your puppy's nose is warm, then call your vet. Follow your vet's instructions and use common sense. Taking care of your sick puppy is just as simple as taking care of a sick human. He needs a quiet and comfortable place to sleep. He should not have food and only give him clear liquids. It would probably be alright for him to sit on your lap while napping. A little back rub and a few ear scratches can always soothe a sick puppy.

Puppies produce strong endorphins when they are near their loving human counterparts. It has been proven that puppies respond to love more than they do to food. Your vet might tell you to give the little fella a half of an aspirin to help bring his temperature down. When giving your puppy this aspirin, it is probably best to crush it and mix with water and then put it down his throat with an eye dropper. Then you just have to wait. The hardest part in taking care of your sick puppy is the waiting.

Trying to take care of your sick puppy overnight can be very difficult. The easiest way would be to place his doggie bed next to your bed. This way you both will be able to get a good night's sleep. He knows you are near, and you can keep an eye on him. If he is not better by the time morning arrives, then it is time to call the vet again. The vet will probably have you bring him into his office.

Even though taking care of your sick puppy is so sad, it usually only lasts for a short period of time. Puppies are strong and heaven looks after them. So, in no time your little friend will be up and about chewing on your shoes.