
Rats! The Key to Rodent Pest Control

Have you ever woken up one morning to discover that you're sharing your house with an unwanted guest? You may have had roommates before, but this is one resident that you don't want to co-habitate with. They eat your food, chew through your cushions, and leave their waste all over the place - basically they are pests that not only create a nuisance, but unsanitary living conditions as well.

Obviously, you will want to eliminate these pesky visitors from your home as soon as possible. The question is, how do you go about doing it? One option is to call a professional rodent pest control company; however, if you are feeling particularly adventurous, you could attempt to trap the pests yourself using rodent pest control.

Identifying Your Rodent Pests

The first step to rodent pest control is identifying exactly what kind of rodent you are dealing with. There are three common rodents that pose a problem in most homes: the Norway Rat, the Roof Rat, and the House Mouse. The main distinguishing feature of these three rodent types is the overall appearance. The Norway Rat is typically robust and large, while the Roof Rat is sleek and graceful. The House Mouse is small and slender.

How will identifying your rodent help you apply rodent pest control? There are specific steps to be taken depending on whether you are dealing with a mouse or a rat; thus, it is important to determine the type of rodent that is presenting the problem. For example, the type of bait that you use will vary depending on what pest and what species you are attempting to trap.

Placing the Bait for Rodent Pest Control

When implementing rodent pest control, it is important to remove all of the rodent's food sources. However, make sure that you do so without disturbing its habitat. You should also consider cleaning out their hiding areas (where they hoard items) because these areas only attract more rodents.

When you are placing bait, you should make sure to use bait that is appropriate to the rodent you are trying to attract. It is advisable to place many small amounts of bait as opposed to a select amount of large bait placements. The bait should be placed close to the wall, and at any entrances to the building where a mouse or rat might be able to enter. Keep in mind that rodents can get through small spaces; rats can fit through a ½ inch opening and mice can fit through a ¼ inch opening.

Coping with Creatures

By using a successful rodent pest control program, you should be able to eliminate your unwanted guests within a few days. Don't become a visitor in your own home, reclaim your house from those pesky rodents using rodent pest control.