
Make Your Problems Fly Away - Handling Bird Pest Control

You normally associate a pest problem with insect or rodent pests. Typically, when someone mentions that they are having a pest problem, images of mice, rats, termites, ants, and cockroaches come to mind. However, many people experience problems with another type of pest entirely—birds.

There is a wide variety of birds that could possibly present a pest problem in your home, including starlings, house sparrows, woodpeckers, pigeons, blackbirds, and geese. Whether you have one, several, or many birds in or around your house, it is best to eradicate them as soon as possible in order to prevent the problems that accompany their presence.


There are several problems that birds could cause that require bird pest control. One of the main problems with birds is that they can carry many diseases, and they also carry mites and insects which carry disease. Diseases that can be spread by birds include toxoplasmosis, salmonella, encephalitis, histoplasmosis, typhimurium, and cryptococcosis.


Birds are also known for making an incredible mess. Their droppings are not only carriers of disease, but they are also unsightly when they cover vehicles, paving, and buildings. Geese can also cause damage to lawns and fields. Their nests can clog up fire escapes and chimneys, presenting a hazard. It is problems like these that, while they may not seem like reasons for immediate concern, not making use of bird pest control could have terrible consequences.

Products for Bird Pest Control

Although your first instinct when implementing bird pest control might be to call a professional, there is another solution that is just as easy and less expensive. Many companies make products specifically intended for bird pest control. One of these companies is FLY-BYE Bird Control.

FLY-BYE Bird Control manufactures architectural pest control products and can recommend which one would be best used in your specific situation. Their bird pest control products that can be effective include bird netting, bird spikes, non-lethal shock strips, bird barriers, as well as visual and audio tactics. Nationally certified, FLY-BYE Bird Control provides a wealth of solutions to your bird pest problems.

Birds present more of a pest problem than you might think, but you shouldn't let the problem become out of control. Whether you seek the help of a professional, or attempt to do the deed yourself, getting rid of the birds as soon as possible will ensure the safety and cleanliness of your home.