
Methods Of Cruelty Free Pest Control

Most houses at one time or another has to deal with the problem of insects and other pests, and rarely is this particular part of keeping house pleasant. Pest control usually involves heavy use of traps, sprays, and calls to the exterminator in order to get the things that scamper, creep, and crawl in your home. Of course, as time goes on, simply killing the pests becomes undesirable for some people. Whether they're looking to prevent death or just to save on some cleanup, an increasing number of people have looked for methods of cruelty free pest control.

No Corpses

Traditional mousetraps leave much to be desired, since sprung mousetraps need to be thrown out, requiring an exposure to a grim little corpse. Or worse, you've got an all-natural mousetrap, a cat, that leaves the remains as a gift to the family. Either of these methods can be distasteful to some, who would prefer not to kill the animal at all, or at least to avoid dealing with the aftermath, and this is where cruelty free pest control comes in.

For people that need something to take care of the pest with no killing, there are products such as The Smart Mouse Trap to purchase, which traps the mouse in a small plastic box with air holes. When the mouse is caught, you can safely release the mouse somewhere outside, allowing it to continue its life in a new location. This method of cruelty free pest control preserves life and prevents you from ever having to touch a mouse.

Keeping Things Clean

While bugs are not generally on a person's definition of something that needs to be kept alive, there are still people who might prefer a method of cruelty free pest control for these as well. The reason for this is that while squashing a bug is a pretty easy method of taking care of one, the resulting splatters can be distasteful to clean up. A method of cruelty free pest control can prevent this.

The cruelty free pest control method for insects is usually a vacuum of some sort, such as the Bug Buster Insect Vacuum. Rather than smash, you suck up the bugs into a system where you can release them outside. This can prevent killing the bugs, which helps the cruelty free pest control fan to preserve life and for the person who doesn't want to deal with cleanup, keeps squashed bugs off the walls. As you can see, whether you're looking to keep from killing or just to prevent a mess in the house, cruelty free pest control can help you keep your home pest-free.