
Protect The Environment With Nontoxic Pest Control

No one enjoys a family picnic more than ants, and many times they can find their way into your home and begin a feast that can last for days, or even weeks. The same might be said about mice, slugs and many other insects and pests that risk your food supply and sanity in attempts to get rid of the uninvited guests. People with pets and children in the home are seeking nontoxic pest control methods that can take care if any problem without causing harm to humans or pets.

While protecting your family, the use of nontoxic pest control can also benefit by helping reduce the chemicals that can flow into the ground deteriorating the water supply. Additionally, chemical insecticides are not particular. Some insects living outdoors have a purpose and even the useful ones are killed by the indiscriminate application of many pesticides.

There are natural methods of getting rid of many problems, such as ants, which will not cross a border of flour. Baking soda can be used as nontoxic pest control and is also lethal to ants, as is minute rice or cream of wheat. They will eat this and it expands in their stomach causing death.

Natural Methods Keep Bugs Off Plants

Snails and slugs can quickly destroy a garden and by placing circles of sandpaper around your plants, like collars, will keep snails and slugs away as they do not care to climb over rough surfaces. They also do not care for chalk and for small areas, spread a thick layer to keep them away from small areas. As a means of nontoxic pest control use Coca Cola in small dishes around the yard. Both snails and slugs are attracted to the smell, but the acid in the soda is deadly.

During the spring and summer the threat of diseases carried by mosquitoes is often viewed as worse than the itch from their bite. Oleander, often used in dryer sheets repels mosquitoes and pinning a couple on the outside of your clothing can keep them away. If you have standing water and cannot simply eliminate it, a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid for each gallon of water is a nontoxic pest control method of getting rid of the larvae.

They also do not like the smell of eucalyptus and using products in which it is found will keep them at bay. To stop the itch when you do get bit, spray the area lightly with hairspray or use a dab of toothpaste on the bite for relief.