
Choose Safety Gear With Your Paintball Accessories

When shopping for paintball accessories, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of custom fitting your own rifle barrel, of buying camouflage outfits, and in shopping for the various styles of paintball pistols that are available today. However, you do well to give some thought to having the right safety gear with your paintball accessories as well. After all, what's the point of having all those other fun paintball toys if they need to sit in the garage while you recover from an injury?

Safety gear for paintball accessories will of course depend on your own particular needs, including your type of game, your position in a team, and how serious your other teammates and enemies are about playing. If you just engage in a few weekends of casual play, then chances are that the most basic pieces of equipment will suffice. However, if you're serious about competition, you need to be serious about your safety equipment as well.

Goggles of course are one of the most basic of paintball accessories, but there are so many different styles and types out there. Getting ones that cover not just your eyes but your entire face as well is not a bad idea for the real enthusiast. Most can be customized with different paintball accessories just for the goggles, including different tints for the lenses, earpieces, and visors. Each of course will depend on the time of day you're playing, the weather, and so on. However, protecting your face from the force of a paintball should be your number one priority.

While most fields have a maximum 300 fps velocity for paintball markers, you still want to protect your body from the paintballs as well. Chest protectors should also be part of your standard paintball accessories, but many models today are also designed to protect your back as well. Most are very lightweight with adjustable straps and are well-vented for your comfort. They may be a bit pricey, but they're designed to last for a lifetime so are a worthy investment.

Gloves, elbow and knee pads, neckbands, neck protectors, and even slider shorts worn under your clothes are all available paintball accessories to protect you physically. While you may want to spend your money on the "cool" paintball accessories of a new marker or barrel or something else, don't neglect your safety when shopping for equipment and supplies.