
All About A Few Choice Herbs to quit smoking

Most smokers, once they take to lighting up their sticks find it extremely difficult if not downright impossible to quit smoking. And, even if they do manage to kick the habit, in most cases it is only a temporary reprieve as they go back to smoking once more. Thus, the problem is extremely serious and a natural solution is called for, which is where using herbs to quit smoking comes into play. Of those that have managed to kick the smoking habit by using herbs to quit smoking, there are many that absolutely swear to its effectiveness.

Helps Combat Withdrawal Symptoms

The advantages to using herbs to quit smoking are many as they help combat the withdrawal symptoms which are so distressful to smokers trying to kick the habit. Also, when you use herbs to quit smoking, you will notice a general improvement in your mood and also a lower urgency to light up another stick. Of the many herbs that can be used, Lobelia or Indian tobacco has proved it very effective in making a person quit smoking.

This controversial as well as old herb is now becoming very popular amongst smokers wanting to quit smoking, and it has been used for many centuries to act as an expectorant that cleans out the lungs and has also found use in asthmatic cases, bronchial as also whooping cough cases. Using this herb to quit smoking, a person may develop a distaste of regular tobacco, which will seem repulsive and thus helps in quitting smoking altogether.

According to scientific evidence, Lobelia is known to create effects in the body that are similar to nicotine though it is not addictive and thus aids in erasing the need to start smoking. You might also want to check out another herb to quit smoking that is known as Mimosa tea, which is a perennial evergreen shrub that comes all the way from Brazil as also southern Mexico. When a person attempts quitting smoking, he or she will feel anxiety or even suffer from headaches, which a strong cup of Mimosa tea will ward off and also help in boosting the person's mood while also helping to calm him or her down. Another alternative herb to quit smoking is the traditional Chinese CaoSu herb.

You can also helpful yourself quit smoking by drinking herbal teas that are made from as many as five different herbs and which will go a long way in fighting your urges to take up another cigarette.