
Herb Gardening: Relaxing And Beneficial

For many people, the enjoyment of gardening is an important activity. The whole process is an exciting adventure. From choosing the location, to preparing the ground for the garden, the at home gardener can feel a sense of pride when their garden begins to mature. Herb gardening is very popular for many people interested in health, or just adding a little extra something from the garden into the daily meal. Herb gardening can be a great learning experience for any gardener.

A Good Selection Of Herbs

When considering which types of herbs would be perfect for the herb gardening experience, determine what types you enjoy. A cooking herb garden is one that many people incorporate into their gardens. This will include herbs that are used in many recipes. This could be something like parsley, mint, thyme, cilantro, rosemary and sage. All of these herbs are great for the herb gardening person who enjoys the extra flavor in their meals.

Herb gardening can also be about producing herbs with beautiful flowers and colors. Some of the common used herbs include lavender, mint, valerian and even chives. These are all good choices for the garden that will be ornamental as well as practical.

For those looking to add medicinal herbs into the herb gardening experience there are several good and sturdy choices available. Lemon balm, milk thistle, St. Johns wort and chamomile are some of the choices available to the herb gardener seeking to round out their garden needs with herbs known for healing properties.

All of these herbs can be used in herb gardening. Make sure to prepare the soil properly for the garden. Ask at local gardening stores about the different soil in your area and what needs to be done to properly prepare it for planting.

If there is no outside space for developing an herb garden, many companies now offer ways to experience the herb garden indoors. These special planters can be purchased at home improvement stores or even on the Internet. Special planters aren't always necessary and you can just buy planters and topsoil and start your own indoor herb garden. Select a sunny windowsill and have year round herbs growing in your own home.

Planting herbs is extremely easy. All of the herbs for use in herb gardening come in a seed form. Prepare the soil; plant the seeds according to the directions and watch as your very own herb garden matures.