
Clove Basil - Multipurpose Basil

A tall, tremendously aromatic plant that adds significance to any garden is clove basil. It is brought into the sun-drenched greenhouse during winters, but they are grown in pots and containers outside during the growing season which is from June to September.

It has lime green leaves which are up to 4 inches long, and are put up with intense spikes of tiny, pale flowers of yellow color. Clove basils are half hardy perennial shrubs with a licorice-clove flavor and can reach an impressive height of 8 feet, depending in the size of your orangery.


The burning leaves of the clove basil are used to keep away mosquitoes. Clove basil is at times used for cooking purpose as well. In many Italian dishes, it is a well know culinary herb. Tomato sauces, vinegars are some more things in which clove basils are commonly used.

You can even add the delicate flowers and leaves to any plate or salad for decoration. They can be sprinkled either chopped or whole.

Calcium, iron, Vitamin C and potassium which are largely beneficial to one's health, clove basil is full of them. Even small amounts of magnesium, manganese and Vitamin A are also present.

They are even used as a tonic to help in digestion apart from their culinary use. Clove basil oil, is even used in aromatherapy, especially for problems relating to digestion.

They have been largely used in Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and dentistry. Clove basil is said to raise hydrochloric acid in stomach. They are even said to recover peristalsis.

Clove basil helps relieve cold and flu symptoms and even relieve rheumatic and arthritic conditions. They are even useful in treating chest problems such as coughs or bronchitis. They ease stomach cramps and pain. Growth of certain bacteria is also restrained by them. They are even useful in treating insect bites. They help in relaxing the muscles and blood vessels and thereby increasing the blood circulation. Nervousness, depression, anxiety and tiredness are treated in second by it. And last but not the least; it is real handy in treating insomnia or sleeping disorders.

How to select and store?

They are available throughout the year but the true harvest period is in summer and while selecting it, we should look in for even colored leaves. Even storing them is not at all troublesome. You need to wrap the herb in moist paper towel and plastic bag and store at a low temperature for up to 4 days and gradually the herb dries off for you to store it. Although you can store clove basil, but fresh ones more aromatic and add an altogether different flavors to your dishes.