
The Beauty and Significance of the Tribal Heart Tattoo

When it comes to tattoo designs, hearts are everywhere. There are hearts with "mom" written across, broken hearts, tribal heart tattoos, and hearts with arrows, to name a few. The symbol of the heart has been around for centuries but its meaning differs from culture to culture. Because of the heart tattoo's versatility, it can be made appropriate for men more so than a butterfly tattoo for example.

The Meaning of the Heart

In the Western world, hearts symbolize love and togetherness. The tribal heart tattoo from the Maori culture in New Zealand symbolizes emotional balance, love, generosity, and compassion. You can alter any design to make it fit your personal preferences.

A tribal heart tattoo with wings could symbolize a free spirit while a tribal heart tattoo with a dagger could symbolize lost love. On the other hand, a tribal heart with a dagger could also symbolize perseverance and strength. Your interpretation is what matters most so when deciding on or creating a design, it's helpful to think about what you want the image to convey and what it will symbolize for you personally.

It's safe to say that heart tattoos are one of the most popular designs out there. They can take on a variety of meanings and convey different feelings based on their design and use. For many people there are strong emotions involved in having a heart tattoo so it can be a very helpful way to express oneself through body art.

You can see tribal heart tattoos on the torsos of young women or on the muscular arms of older men. People from all walks of life and all religions enjoy heart tattoos but if you are interested in respecting tribal tradition, you should research designs and find out where they come from first.

Maori tattoos are often used for ceremonial purposes. They symbolize strength, courage, and status because they are painful to get. A tribal heart tattoo can symbolize an important aspect of your life or personality but it's advisable to be cautious of incorporating traditional Maori designs and symbols in your tattoo because the Maori people consider it disrespectful and an insult to their culture and heritage.

Do yourself a favor and research your tribal heart tattoo design carefully before making a decision. Heart tattoos are very beautiful and meaningful but you must also be respectful to other cultures when choosing a design. With the right amount of caution and thought about what you want to convey with your tattoo, you can get a beautiful tattoo that also contributes to your self-expression.