
Celtic Tattoo Designs: Why Bother

There are many reasons why Celtic tattoo designs are becoming the more popular choice on the skins of people today. They are one color, which makes them easier and less painful to apply. The designs are versatile, with images that can be repeated, twisted or added to other tattoos to help make a brand new cool tattoo design. And the beauty is unquestionable. Often, Celtic tattoo designs look like permanent jewelry and not what people usually think of as tattoos.

Less Painful

There are many variations to Celtic tattoo designs, from elaborate representations of Celtic crosses to simple Celtic rune script (called "ogham".) Some Celtic tattoo designs can be easily repeated to make a ring around your wrist, arm or leg. Use of more than one color is optional. Many people just use black ink or a dark blue that mimics woad, the tattoo ink of ancient Celts.

Tattoos are painful, which is why someone with a tattoo is often treated warily. A tattoo is a sign of having voluntarily undergone a physical ordeal - and you're ready to brag about it. This shows that you are not easily discouraged by pain and may even like it a little. A Celtic tattoo design is beautiful, but does not take as long to apply as other tattoo designs.

Less Threatening

Many tattoos can seem very threatening to the observer. They may have raised middle fingers, nasty slogans or images of threatening animals. Many observers who meet you for the first time and see the tattoo feel intimidated or very uncomfortable. But some tattoo designs are not threatening to the average onlooker. Celtic tattoo designs are beautiful enough to look artistic, but obscure enough to not be threatening in any way.

Tattoos are a part of Celtic tradition. Julius Cesar even wrote about both men and women Celts having tattoos. In the British Isles, Celtic tattoo designs are the most popular, because they have been a part of the cultural heritage for thousands of years. The shocking part is what body parts you decide to get your tattoo on. The most shocking are facial tattoos.

Whatever reason you have for choosing a Celtic tattoo design, be sure you choose your tattoo parlor carefully. Check to be sure that it's hygienic and can keep you as safe from infection as possible. Good tattoo artists will always be willing to answer your questions, as long as they are not in the middle of a job.