
Stress Management Exercise Is One of the Many Ways to Handle Stress

Stress can be simply terrible no matter where and how you encounter it. Besides the havoc that it plays on our minds, our bodies too suffer from its effects. There are of course, many ways to counter it, some better than others, stress management exercise being one of the simplest ways of all to control and even counteract stress.

Stress Management Exercise - Your First Aid Kit

Exercise has always been a way to improve both mental and physical health. It does not matter what is provoking your stress crisis, when you feel that it has crossed all limits and you are past controlling it, try to apply any of the following exercises - and you will be instantly re-vitalized and de-stressed. Keep in mind though that the stress management exercises described here are just 'first-aid' and hence should not be taken as a cure.

Stress Management Exercise #1

Whenever you feel totally helpless and your mind almost stops functioning, get up walk brusquely to washroom and wash your face six or seven times with plan cold water. Ensure that your eyes too get splashed with water sufficiently. You will feel as if your worries have gone down the drain along with water.

Stress Management Exercise #2

This is the way people usually get prepared for meditation when they need to first reach the state of total equilibrium. The exercise involves that you sit somewhere comfortable, a bench in the park or even in the toilet; anywhere you feel comfortable. Start with clenching the muscles of you feet/toes and relax them alternatively for two to three seconds at a time. While doing so concentrate to achieve full relaxation in the muscles you are clenching-and-unclenching. Soon your whole body will be taken through this exercise, and you will feel like your stress has literally been lifted off your shoulders.

These two exercises are simple enough to be adapted by anyone and anywhere. The most important thing here is that you should block your mind against the stress while you are doing these exercises because you will need the whole attention of your mind focused here. Do not wait till you are totally stressed out to start on with these exercises. You should introduce these exercises in your daily routine because their regular application can make you stress-proof with regular use. It does not matter where you are; all you will need is about 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening.