
Natural Baby Skin Care Basics

Babies have sensitive skin that requires only the mildest and gentlest skin care products to effectively care for, soothe and protect the tiny ones' skins. Most of the baby skin care products available in the market today contain mild and gentle ingredients that do not strip off the natural oils in their skin, and make a baby's skin retain smoothness and radiance.

There are also natural baby skin care products available that offer more than mild and gentle ingredients. Reliable companies that develop natural skin care products make use of natural ingredients, and have expanded their product line to include skin care products specially made for babies. Natural baby skin care products include creams, shampoos, lotions, oils and powders that are sure to pass parents' and doctors' most stringent tests.

Natural Baby Skin Care Lines and Label Claims

Parents and consumers can never get enough of carefully checking the labels before they purchase natural baby skin care products to make sure that the products they are about to pay for will indeed care for their baby's skin. Natural baby skin care lines are ideally developed to cater to baby's skin needs and are very bland, having no colorings or scents or other additives.

This tried and tested formula in making natural baby skin care products can avoid allergies, redness, and irritation that baby's sensitive skin commonly suffer from. There are baby skin care products that claim to be natural but only contain a small portion of natural ingredients and essential oils, and are not really natural. It is not unusual to find supposed natural baby skin care products of a fruit extract with a petroleum base, as well as added preservatives and dyes.

Aroma and Scent Free

Natural baby skin care products are also usually aroma or scent free despite the wide range of benefits that aromatherapy espouses. A mild, pleasant scent from natural oils like sweet almond, jojoba, calendula, evening primrose or natural vitamin E are not in any way harmful and are excellent ingredients in moisturizers, lotions, creams and ointments. These creams are ideal in treating baby's dry skin, eczema, sores, nappy rashes, cradle cap or skin irritations, swelling and redness.

These natural oils may also be added as is to warm bathing water for an added touch of moisture or may be used as massage oil. Medical experts believe that baby's skin matures rather slowly and their outer layer is highly permeable and very sensitive to chemicals, which is why skin care products that are devoid of additives are always recommended.