
Keep Your Face Beautiful with Skin Care Basics

Nearly everyone wants healthy skin. Good skin care for your face is the first step in creating a fresh, beautiful look, but how do you keep your skin healthy? Your face requires the proper skin care regimen that includes daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing to keep it clean and glowing. But before you head to the mall to find a skin care line for your face, you need to decide what type of products will work the best for your skin type.

Facial Skin Care for Oily Skin

When choosing a cleanser for this skin type, be sure to look for one that is drying or even medicated to prevent breakouts. Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to find the cleanser that works best for you. If you use a soap that is too drying, you might end up with flaking. Once you find a cleanser that works well for you, you need to add a toner that will be used after cleansing.

A good toner for oily skin is an astringent, which will usually use alcohol to close up your pores after cleansing. Even oily complexions require a moisturizer after the cleansing steps are complete. Look for a moisturizer for your face that will care for your skin without adding additional oil to the mix. Light moisturizers and those that are oil free will soften your skin without clogging pores and adding to your breakout issue.

Facial Skin Care for Dry Skin

Avoid soaps like the plague if you have dry skin, since these will strip your natural oils, leaving your skin even drier. Instead, look for a cleanser in the form of a liquid or cream, which will rid your face of dirt but leave your skin soft and supple. When you are searching for a toner, look for a bottle that is labeled "freshener." These will refresh and revitalize your skin without drying it out. Finally, a moisturizer is paramount to the skin care regimen for these face types. You will want to find a cream that will offer extra moisturizing power depending on just how dry your skin tends to get.

The Lucky Few

If you are fortunate enough to boast a normal skin type, you can have much more flexibility in selecting your skin care formulas for your face. Keep in mind that you still want to follow the three steps of cleansing, toning and moisturizing every single day. Whatever your skin type, you are certain to find a line of products that will work effectively as a part of your facial skin care regimen. With the right cleansing routine, you will be on the road to a more beautiful you!