
Preformed Garden Pond Basics

Ponds are great to have in a garden. They add character to the place and help to make the atmosphere soothing and calm. Adding inhabitants to the pond also adds to its character and makes it more interesting. This aspect is what many homeowners wish to have in their garden. There is a debate on whether to use a preformed garden pond or to have the pond itself dug and then lined at the bottom.

What Is A Preformed Garden Pond?

A preformed garden pond is something that is made of sturdy plastic or rubber which has been molded to form a garden pond. The tub or pond is bought in its formed state and this means that there are many different shapes, sizes and additions to the preformed garden pond. The rubber or plastic used for such a thing is sturdy and can withstand several kilograms of water, rocks and sand.

The shape of the preformed garden pond can be a rectangle, circle or an uneven shape which may mimic natural ponds. The depth of the molded rubber or plastic also varies depending on the need of the home owner. Some home owners who wish to purchase a water garden pond might seek different depths and sizes for the pond as well as some other function that they want such as islands, fountains and waterfalls. Some of the preformed ponds can also feature several depths and may look like steps before the pond is filled with water and other elements to make it look like a real pond.

Some manufacturers may also allow the home owner some leeway in the design of the preformed garden pond to make it customized or exclusive. Customized or exclusive preformed garden ponds are more expensive than the generic kinds that are the same as all the others. There are some who can afford such frivolities but most people settle for making the more common and generic preformed garden pond different from all the others by adding little touches or uniqueness such as rocks, water formations and plants.

Adding rocks, sand, gravel and plants to the preformed garden pond is not the only way to make it unique and interesting. Adding inhabitants to the pond is also another step to the right direction of making your preformed garden pond more interesting. Using a preformed garden pond is actually quite practical and not as time consuming as digging one up and lining it as well as anchoring the liner.