
Applying Necessary Koi Pond Care Procedures

Do not think that brilliant colors are the only thing that makes koi valuable. Indeed, in koi exhibitions harmonious body proportions count for as much as color and pattern together. How much is a champion fish worth? The "prices run to unbelievable heights," reports koi expert Herbert Axelrod. "I witnessed one sale of eleven koi which were sold for $100,000 USD in cash." A single prizewinning fish might be worth $40,000!

What goes on at a koi show? Usually a huge hall is rented and filled with shallow wading pools. Into each pool go ten fish, identical to the untrained eye, since they are all of the same size and variety. The judges, however, know exactly what they are looking for and usually select no more than one of each group of ten fish as a candidate for a prize.

Like all carp, koi are hardy fish. If well taken care of, they frequently outlive their owners, and koi have been handed down as family heirlooms for generations. Hanako, a red carp belonging to a Japanese koi expert, was said to be 215 years old in 1968! Hanako's age was estimated from rings on her scales that correspond to growth rings in trees. Even if Hanako is not really a double-centenarian, there is little doubt that koi frequently live to be over a hundred years of age.

It is interesting to reflect on the fact that the genetic material of the carp "kind" of fish contains a dazzling potential of color and beauty. If you sometimes feel drab and unspectacular, remember that you were created with far more potential than any carp. Just as there may be a beautiful koi inside a carp, perhaps you too have something beautiful within you, waiting to be expressed.

Using Koi Pond Care to Preserve the Pond's Beauty

Certainly, with such valuable worth, koi ponds are indeed in high need of care from their owners. With the existence of suggested koi pond care procedures as posted by experts through reading materials and other online sites found in the internet today, giving the most essential koi pond care that your koi pond garden needs would be much of an easier task. Yes, any individual who is new to the process of koi pond care giving would become much skilled in handling the responsibility through heading expert suggestions about the issue.