
The Many Choices of Knitting Yarn That are Available

As knitting has regained popularity as a hobby and craft in recent years, the abundance of choices in knitting yarn has also exploded. Knitters can choose yarns from various materials, from wools and cottons to beautiful silks and mohair.

No matter what your knitting project, there is a yarn that will make it special. The enormous selection of yarn can overwhelm the knitter however, especially someone new to the craft. It helps to know a little bit about the different types of yarn available, to determine which material will work the best for your various projects.

Knitting Yarn Made From Natural Fibers

The first type of yarn that comes to mind when you think of knitting yarn is wool. Wool is made from the fleece of sheep and works very effectively to keep you warm in winter and cool in summer. It is the perfect material for socks, since it can absorb moisture without feeling wet.

Wool is also a pleasant yarn to knit with, since it is soft to the touch and very easy to work with. If you are looking for something more luxurious, you can look into angora, cashmere and alpaca. Cotton, linen and silk are all good choices in knitting yarn for warmer weather clothing, or to blend with other materials like acrylic or wool for winter wear.

Synthetic Knitting Yarn

On the positive side, synthetic knitting yarn is very easy to find and relatively inexpensive. They are also usually machine washable, and work well for people who have allergies to some of the natural fibers. On the down side, acrylic knitting yarn does not breathe as well as their natural counterparts, and they tend to pill more easily. If you do decide to go with a synthetic yarn for a project, you can blend it with another natural fiber such as matching nylon with mohair, or a cotton with an acrylic.

The good news however is that great strides have been made to improve upon synthetic knitting yarn, and sometimes these can be the perfect choice for blankets or some garments. Because of its smaller price tag, it is an excellent yarn for the beginning knitter as well.

Many people find that once they begin knitting, they don't ever want to put their needles down! Fortunately for the avid knitter, the abundance of patterns and knitting yarn can keep fingers busy for a lifetime.