
The History of Knitting Machines for Socks

Knitting socks is something that's been done for centuries. And unlike in today's world where knitting a pair of socks would be more of a hobby than anything else, years and years ago, knitting machines for socks was a necessity. In order to have something to wear on their feet, the men who worked hard everyday and served in the war had socks made for them by women who used knitting machines for socks to make a living for their families.

These knitting machines for socks are still around, held as antiques in houses throughout the world. Their heirlooms that many people don't use anymore, but if they were to be used, there are many different ways to make a sock using the knitting machine. For example, not only can you craft the entire heal and toe of a sock using the machine, but you can craft dress socks, ankle socks, knee socks, ribbed socks, lace socks, or socks with trim made out of any kind of fabric you can think of.

In addition to the kind of socks you can make using a knitting machine for socks, you can choose the size as well. Mittens and scarves can be made with this machine which made it even more appealing to ladies who used them during the Civil War. Not only could they make socks for men during those times to help feed their families, but they were able to create scarves and hats to sell to the women who were better off financially.

Are They Still Used Today?

As previously mentioned, knitting machines for socks are not commonly used at the present time. Purchasing already made socks is more cost effective and convenient. However, if you or someone you know owns a knitting machine for socks and it belonged to someone in your family long ago, there is no better way to honor that person and what the machine meant to them than by trying it on for size and making a pair of socks using the knitting machine for yourself.

If you're someone who doesn't feel that holding on to something that represents memories of the past or someone who really doesn't have an attachment to their knitting machine for socks, chances are that if you have it appraised you may be able to score big. If a profit isn't your thing, donate it to a local museum that focuses on century old items.