
Know the Main Knitting Machine Parts so That You can Understand Your Machine Better

Let us say you are a woman, fond of knitting, who bought for herself a wonderful knitting machine. You are happy using it because it produces the most wonderful garments in a fraction of the time you used to do it by hand, and the quality is excellent. And then the disaster strikes! Your machine stops functioning. Do you know what to do? Other than going to the phone and calling a mechanic or your husband?

Learn What the Main Knitting Machine Parts are

There are three main parts that make any knitting machine. The lines that follow will give a brief description of each of the knitting machine parts for your clarity:

One of the first and foremost knitting machine parts is that of the 'main knitting bed'. This is the "control room" of the machine, or the "heart of the machine". Here is where you place your "order" for whatever your heart desires to be done.

Another one of the most important knitting machine parts is the 'shaping device'. This part of the knitting machine is what creates the template for the garment. Here, the garment is carefully drawn visualizing it as you would want it to be, and then fed to the shaping device. Here, sensors would make the machine re-create the design into a 'pattern' which fortunately could be used again and again later on. Now, based on the shape created by the shaping device, this knitting machine parts will calculate the row-by-row requirements and give instructions to the machine as such.

Yet another one of the most important knitting machine parts is the 'ribbing bed'. This is where the actual knitting takes place. This part of the machine resembles the looks and the functions of the knitting needles. With the instructions obtained from the shaping device, the machine will judge what type of 'needles' are required, of what thickness and in what order. It is here where the garment takes shape in the end.

Once you are aware of these three major parts, you will be able to understand your knitting machine better. Not only that, you might be able with time, to make minor repairs here and there and be self-sufficient in running the machine even when it is not in the best of shape and condition. It is always good to know in as much details as possible the components of any machinery you use, and how it would behave when something malfunctions. In this way, you will know when to call for a mechanic (and pay a hefty bill) and when you can manage the show yourself.