
Symptoms and Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Infants and Toddlers

Irritable bowel syndrome is generally defined as a disorder that occurs in the intestines and causes a person to have symptoms such as stomach pains, bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea. With irritable bowel syndrome in infants and toddlers and young children the primary symptoms seem to be diarrhea and constipation or problems with the stool. Some children diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome also known as IBS complain of headaches, nausea and they might have mucus in their stool. Some times events that cause stress in your toddlers or children such as teething or dealing with the flu or family problems can cause IBS.

Diagnosing IBS in Children

You should take your child to a pediatrician if you suspect that your baby or child has irritable bowel syndrome. Your pediatrician might inquire about how often the child feels stomach pain. If your toddler or young child has IBS he will probably feel stomach pain for more than a combined three months out of a year.

If you inform your doctor that the pain dissipates after a bowel movement your doctor will probably conclude that your child has IBS. If your child has a stool more often or less frequently than usual this is a sign your child has IBS. Other signs are your child's stool appears to contain mucus or is a different color than usual. There is no specific test to diagnose IBS for your child so providing your child's symptoms to your pediatrician is very important.

Treatment for IBS for Children

There is no cure for IBS but things can be done to prevent and reduce the symptoms when they occur in your child. Your child should have a diet that is high in soluble fiber such as beans and oats and foods that contain starch typically contain soluble fiber. Increasing your child's diet in soluble fiber will create a larger stool which will have a stretching affect on the colon and this will reduce the spasms for your child.

Your child's diet should also be low in fat. Doctors rarely prescribe laxatives for children. If your pediatrician does prescribe a laxative for your child you should be sure you carefully follow his instructions. Irritable bowel syndrome in infants and toddlers and young children is treatable.

Physicians and researchers don't know exactly what causes irritable bowel syndrome in infants and toddlers but most believe that a child's diet, stress and how they deal with their emotions are important factors. Eating spicy foods or large meals and foods high in fat are also causes of IBS in children. Dairy products can be a cause of irritable bowel syndrome in some infants and toddlers. If kids witness parents yelling and arguing this can cause stress in your child and the stress can lead to irritable bowel syndrome. If you believe stress is a factor in your child's IBS find ways to eliminate the stress or help him cope with it in an improved manner and his IBS symptoms might be eliminated or dissipate. The good news is that symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in infants and toddlers can be significantly reduced and prevented.