
Illegal Knock Off Golf Clubs Cheat Public And Company

Many believe that copying their work is a high form of flattery but counterfeiting is also a means of a company to lose money as well as its reputation. For example, knock off golf clubs hit the market called Pong, may actually fool someone into thinking they are made by Ping, and due to the low price keep them from buying an authentic item. The buyer has a substandard item and the company has lost money on a sale.

There is a slight difference between knock off golf clubs and counterfeit equipment in that counterfeit items are represented to be the original. A company selling illegal counterfeit golf clubs not only is hurting the maker of the original, but also the buyer. Those who inadvertently purchase illegal counterfeits are being fooled into thinking they have the real thing and may also be in legal trouble by purchasing illegal products.

Many of the knock off golf clubs uses similar designs and features of name brand equipment, but the difference comes in when the cosmetics of the item are so different that there should be no confusion over its brand. Companies typically buy grips, heads and shafts from the same suppliers that the brand name companies buy from so their clubs are going to have similar looks and feel. A manufacturer of legal knock off golf clubs will not attempt to fool the buyer with cosmetics or a similar logo and the legal ones will advertise their products as being knock off golf clubs.

Knock Off Makers Claim To Offer Better Value

While name brand manufacturers will strongly disagree, some makers of knock off golf clubs maintain that since they use the same parts as the name brand equipment makers use, sometime from the same suppliers, they are selling a product equal in quality without the higher price.

In many industries, it is common to fund "store branded" items, which carry the name of the local store in which it is being sold. These products are made by the same manufacturers who supply the name brand items to the same store, but only in different packaging. In most cases, it is difficult to tell the name brand from the store brand once out of the package. With many knock off golf clubs, the same scenario exists. The parts are made by the same manufacturer, just assembled by a different company. However, the names have been changed to protect the name brand identity.